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標題: [原創文章]單戀者自白 [打印本頁]

作者: c0082106    時間: 2005-3-2 12:08 AM     標題: [原創文章]單戀者自白

我曾想說你知  有人懷著愛意  願意共你相依  我明是我單思  因你從未得知  其實你曾可知  我曾懷著愛意  想向你道出我的心事  但明白就算道出心事  都沒可能可展開你我的戀愛故事  此刻只好自嘆一聲相戀真不容易 願一生你都沒法進入我的心思  願一生你都未可猜透我的心意  因我實在明白要相愛並不輕易  要我畢生留下遺憾也絕不介意 甚至要我犧牲我也會十分樂意  因我十分願意為你做任何的事 當天我的心被你所吸引  才令我今天沒法愛別人  就算一生共你不相不襯  我都不會介意獲這不幸  因我明白單戀是要犧牲    無奈地,今天你愛上了別人  心雖痛,但仍然會給你護蔭 祈望你,真的可跟他永相襯 絕不要,枉費我今天的犧牲  曾自說一輩子也會全力照顧你  要令你我一生一世都歡歡喜喜    現在雖然真的十分痛心  但就當是自己受了教訓  要令自己明白相戀,不能依靠僥倖  因為就算用心相贈,但仍然不相襯  最終只會令到自己留下終生的遺憾 請放心  我已明白今生今世都再沒法跟你相近  在此刻,你可否給我最後的一份禮物 就是那個可令我回味一生一世的----------親吻 >w<近來在小輝好像得了單思病>w< >w<所以用了大半小時寫出自己的感受,寫得不好不要打我啊>w<
作者: HimCheng    時間: 2005-3-2 12:23 AM     標題: [原創文章]單戀者自白

唔好灰心, 終有一日你一定會找到一個更好的~

作者: c0082106    時間: 2005-3-2 12:36 AM     標題: [原創文章]單戀者自白

其實小輝用左少少寫歌既手法去寫架>w< 被人讚好開心喔>w<
作者: joe198663    時間: 2005-3-2 02:29 AM     標題: [原創文章]單戀者自白

Such a great essay!
It is innocent for us to LOVE someone...
It is painful for us conceal to LOVE someone...
However, when I LOVE someone, I have no regret to give all my LOVE...
I will forgive all for you do...
I will accept all choice of you...
I will help you to pass all the challenge...
Although, it is so painful for me, I still LOVE you...

''Your heart began to be scorched,
and there was a smell of it
It was the end of your dream,
and the start of everything
What you adored looked beautiful to you
It became even brighter because you couldn't reach it
The broken pieces of your dream
Pierce my heart
Leaving the pain
That I should never forget
If my life is transient like a flower
I'll be in full bloom by your side
And after watching your smile
I'll fall alone, quietly
How was the scenery you saw
When you were pushed into an abyss of despair
Your naked heart is wandering
Having nowhere to go
And is setting sharp thorns around
For fear of being touched
If I could flutter like a bird
I would fly to you
And offer my wing
To your wounded back
If my life is transient like a flower
I'll be in full bloom by your side
And after watching your smile
I'll fall alone, quietly
If I could flutter like a bird
I would fly to you
And offer my wing
To your wounded back
If I could flow like the wind
I would reach you
If I could shine like a moon
I would keep shining on you
I'll be anything
If it can stop you from being seized with fear...''

作者: --zeta--    時間: 2005-3-2 02:46 AM     標題: [原創文章]單戀者自白

what a great poem!

don't worry,many people understand what you are feeling now,
I am one of them.......

never give up to trust that there is somebody for you in the future!
that is what we must hold on to!
good luck!
作者: 334556    時間: 2005-3-2 05:55 PM     標題: [原創文章]單戀者自白

下面引用由c00821062005/03/02 00:36am 發表的內容:
你是cmidi 的管員嗎?
如不是, 那你只是把cmidi中的原創歌曲//詞抄襲, 加入一些自己的思想寫成,
你抄襲歌詞, 即使少也必需加上轉載網址。

若有得罪, 請見諒。
作者: benchan    時間: 2005-3-2 07:25 PM     標題: [原創文章]單戀者自白

小輝我覺得你~~你篇文同 334556 提供既網址既內容有8成相似喎﹗

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