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標題: 人類與太空侵略者終極一戰:天煞-地球反擊戰(INDEPENDENCE DAY) [打印本頁]

作者: TWKCO    時間: 2005-9-5 08:22 PM     標題: 人類與太空侵略者終極一戰:天煞-地球反擊戰(INDEPENDENCE DAY)

講述太空侵略者與地球人決戰的科幻片向來少之有少,記得以往只有:鐵血戰士(PERDATOR),及異形(ALIEN)兩部作品較為突出,直到1996年的暑假,美國霍士電影公司推出了一部:天煞-地球反擊戰(INDEPENDENCE DAY)再次為這類型片種帶來另一高峰.
此片的導演是拍攝: 宇宙奇兵(STARGATE)的羅蘭艾默力治,演員方面有主演:黑超特警組(MEN IN BLACK)的韋史密夫(WILL SMITH),侏羅紀公園(JURASSIC PARK)的謝夫高拔林(JEFF GOLDBLUM)及性格小生標布文(BILL PULLMAN),內容講述美國太空總署接收到一個來自外太空的不明信號,不久一批來自外太空的外星生物便到達地球,而起初美國政府以為它們沒有惡意,但結果來者不善,它們的目的是要侵略地球,於是飾演美國總統的標布文,聯同科學家謝夫高拔林及空軍機司韋史密夫率領全球人民組成反擊隊,與外星侵略者進行世紀之戰.
本片的成功導演的功力成重要一環,羅蘭艾默力治把外星人那種氣勢拍攝得十分具震撼力,其次在反攻的一刻,深入的表達出全國人民的凝聚力,到最後同心一致成功抵抗外星生物的入侵,此處理手法牽動起觀眾的情緒,從而墜入影片裡那股熱血沸騰的感覺,而最後那位老人家犧牲自己的生命,把戰機衝向飛碟要害與侵略者同歸於盡更加是全片最經典的一幕,我相信這場戲感動了不少觀眾的心靈,至於演員標布文,韋史密夫等精彩的演譯當然亦漸不少功勞,無怪當年殿堂級導演史提芬史匹堡(STEVEN SPIELBERG)稱讚本片是史上最精彩的科幻片,比:星球大戰(STAR WARS)更刺激多倍.唯一感覺是此片始終帶有很強烈的大美國主義,這是否表示出美國人擺脫不了這個英雄主義的慨念呢?

作者: joe198663    時間: 2005-9-6 02:33 AM     標題: 人類與太空侵略者終極一戰:天煞-地球反擊戰(INDEPENDENCE DAY)

Thanks for your great sharing!
Such a detailed analysis! ^_^
Actually I like this film so much!

I remember that this film brought a big surprise for us when it release...
It is an ordinary summer day...
But then, without warning, something very extraordinary happens...
Enormous shadows fall across the land...
Strange atmospheric phenomena, ominous and mesmerizing, surface around the globe...
All eyes turn upward...

The question of whether we are alone in the universe has finally been answered...
And in a matter of minutes, the lives of every person across the globe are forever changed...
With the fate of our planet at stake, the Fourth of July is about to take on an entirely new meaning...

No longer will it be an American holiday...
It will be known as the day the entire world fought back...
The day we did not go gentle into the good night...
The day all of us on planet Earth celebrated our ''Independence Day''.......

作者: --Zeta--    時間: 2005-9-6 05:05 AM     標題: 人類與太空侵略者終極一戰:天煞-地球反擊戰(INDEPENDENCE DAY)

I dont really like it petty much.......
it seems that the Americans are the savior of the world.....
but afterall, it's special effects and the concept of virus is kind of interesting.
作者: Hollyren    時間: 2005-9-6 10:14 AM     標題: 人類與太空侵略者終極一戰:天煞-地球反擊戰(INDEPENDENCE DAY)

作者: slayer    時間: 2005-9-6 05:14 PM     標題: 人類與太空侵略者終極一戰:天煞-地球反擊戰(INDEPENDENCE DAY)

How about War of the World starring Tom Criuse?  The movie itself it's not as exciting as Independence Day BUT the action scenes in the movie is very well done and as you said since there isn't much of the sci-fi movie that related to alien invading the earth, this is a must see! Also try to pay close attention to the outlook of the alien creature shown in the middle-end portion part of the movie, it's awesome looking!  Movies that I recommended to the sci-fi lover: Predator, Alien and Alien 2, Fire in the Sky, Alien vs Predator, Pitch Black, The Fifth Element, Specics and Specics 2... These are the must see titles if you like alien and UFO.  Of course the Hollywood big production films are so self-center because they've always try to create an images that the American are so pround of their country, in which I think there's not much wrong in it after all that's American film rite? As long as the movies are good and I don't regret paying the $$$ to see it or own it.  What good does it do if the movie sucks but the theme of the movie are positive??
作者: uniform    時間: 2005-9-6 07:41 PM     標題: 人類與太空侵略者終極一戰:天煞-地球反擊戰(INDEPENDENCE DAY)

very good,ok, thanks you very much
作者: vling2884    時間: 2005-9-7 03:52 AM     標題: 人類與太空侵略者終極一戰:天煞-地球反擊戰(INDEPENDENCE DAY)

Will Smith 當時尚未露頭角..
親駕air force 1進行反擊戰..

作者: a7818239    時間: 2005-9-8 10:58 PM     標題: 人類與太空侵略者終極一戰:天煞-地球反擊戰(INDEPENDENCE DAY)

那部片把外星人詮釋ㄉ很好  電腦特效也是一絕  直得一在欣賞^^

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