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AlienVirgin, I support you!! 8)
Let's try hard to make an excellent website...
And I hope to see your great website... ^.^
Actually it is hard to think about the theme...
Thus I give you some suggestion here...

It seems that you want to share all the mysterious things in this website...
They may be related to UFO, fortells, mysterious organization, STAR WARS etc...
And it will be your own website...
Thus you need to combine them to form your a new theme...

According to your sentiment, I have thought some ideas:
1) Every Strange Thing... (E.S.T)
2) CyberV...
3) Special News Report...
5) Alien Family...
6) Eternal Space...
7) Unknown Space...

I just think of the above themes...
I hope that you feel inerested with them...
And I hope that they are useful to you...