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耶教傳統用具 :
耶神愛世人, 耶神的僕人顯愛心,更顯忠心. 獲得耶神的授權及指引, 在地上事奉耶神千年.
版友一齊來看看耶神僕人的智慧及心思. 他們很多發明都甚有創意及科學原理.
以下的耶教工具 是用來教導異教徒,異端,不信耶教,"不守(耶教)道德",質疑耶教的人....
不是個別個案, 而是有系統地 廣泛地 長時間地使用的耶教傳統工具.
( 以下祇列出部份工具, 耶神僕人甚有創意, 還有很多工具並未貼出. )
Cat's Paw
用來將 質疑耶教之人 身上的肉 一耙一耙的括下來.
About as large as four fingers of a man’s hand, these devices, usually attached to a short handle, served to rip the victim’s flesh to shreds and to strip it off the bones, in any part: face, abdomen, back, limbs, breasts
Iron Maiden
如圖所示, 一個有活門的箱, 可容納整個人入內, 箱內裝滿長釘.
當活門關閉後, 箱內的人不會立即死亡, 而是在極端痛苦下慢慢步向死亡.
"The maiden was a tomb-sized container with folding doors. Upon the inside of the door were vicious spikes. As the prisoner was shut inside he would be pierced along the length of his body. The talons were not designed to kill outright, however, and the pinioned prisoner was left to slowly perish in the utmost pain".
Heretic's Fork
極尖利之四點叉進下巴及胸骨, 頭部動彈不得, 只可低聲說話 - "我悔改".
當然, 若不悔改就送去燒(或其他方式).
With the four sharp points rammed deep into the flesh under the chin and into the bone of the sternum, the fork prevented all movement of the head and allowed the victim only to murmur, in a barely audible voice, “abiuro” (“I recant”, engraved on one side of the fork). If instead he still refused, and if the Inquisition was the Spanish one, he was held to be an “impenitent heretic” and, dressed in the characteristic costume, was led to the stake, but with the consolation of the sacrament if extreme unction; if instead it was the Roman one, he was hanged or burnt, without the benefit of the pretty costume but still with that of proper Christian rites.
The Judas Cradle
如圖所示, 將人吊起並放在"金字塔"型"座椅"上, 依據耶神僕人的喜好, 可調節壓力.
全個人的支點就在肛門或陰道. 最高壓力是全個人的重量壓在支點上, 有時會加上額外的重量或/及重複撞擊"支點".
This procedure has remained essentially unchanged from the Middle Ages until today. The victim is hoisted up in the manner shown in the accompanying illustration, and lowered onto the point of the pyramid in such a way that his weight rests on the point positioned in the anus, in the , under the scrotum or under the coccyx (the last two or three vertebrae). The executioner, according to the pleasure of the interrogators, can vary the pressure from zero to that of total body weight. The victim can be rocked, or made to fall repeatedly onto the point.
The Judas cradle was thus called also in Italian (culla di Giuda) and German (Judaswiege), but in French it was known as la veille, “the wake” or “nightwatch”.
Oral, Rectal and Vaginal Pear
如圖所示, 有口(喉嚨)用的, 有肛門用的, 有陰道用的 多款設計.
原理是轉動器具上的中心縲絲控制擴張, 將"孔/道"一直擴張直至撕裂.
陰道型供"淫婦/邪惡婦"用. 例如未婚媽媽, 不合耶教道德的女人, 與邪魔發生性行為的女人. 陰道型附加釘.
肛門型供同性戀人士用. 由肛門插入, 直至將腸.....
These instruments were used –and still are, no longer ornamented but otherwise not much changed– in oral and rectal formats, like the present specimen, and in the larger vaginal one. They are forced into the mouth, rectum or vagina of the victim and there expanded by force of the screw to the maximum aperture of the segments. The inside of the cavity in question is irremediably mutilated, nearly always fatally so. The pointed prongs at the end of the segments serve better to rip into the throat, the intestines or the cervix.
The oral pear was often inflicted on heretical preachers, but also on lay persons guilty of unorthodox tendencies; the rectal pear awaited passive male homosexuals, and the vaginal one women guilty of sexual union with Satan or his familiars.
Mutilation of breasts and female genitalia has been an omnipresent and constant usage throughout history. Insomuch as the soul of torture is male, male organs have always enjoyed the benefit of a species of immunity notwithstanding certain exceptions, a fact that leads to the hypothesis of a fraternal understanding between male victim and male judge-torturer, an understanding that must have been welded into the nascent primordial mind eons ago.
And since the soul of torture is male, and in the tenebrosity of his unilluminable nature the male is terrified by the mysteries of the female's cycles and fecundity, but above all by her inherent intellectual, emotional and sexual superiority, those organs that define her essence have forever been subjected to his most savage ferocity, he being superior only in physical strength. Hence centuries of witch hunts, with unspeakable methods.
The pear had more than one implementation, with the most popular being the oral use. The pear was also used in the rectum and in the vagina.
The pear was "expanded by force of the screw to the maximum aperture of their segments. The inside of the cavity in question is irremediably mutilated, nearly always fatally so. The pointed prongs at the end of the segments serve better to rip into the throat" or "the intestines."
When applied vaginally, the spikes wreaked havoc on the poor woman's cervix. The vaginal use was devised for women who had been found guilty of sexual union with the Devil or his familiars. Ken Russell's film The Devils shows a few implements similar to the vaginal pear in use.
The Saw
如圖所示, 將人倒吊, 用長鋸將人在兩腿中間開始鋸開.
用具如圖示 是一把長鋸附有長鋸齒, 由兩人四手操作.
一般用在反耶教的, 耶教"異端", 同性戀人士.
該罪人因倒吊而 保持腦部血液供應充足,並且減慢失血 以保持該罪人的清醒, 被鋸過程會一直保持清醒 直到鋸及肚臍至胸部.
撒 母 耳 記 下 2 Samuel,
之前的 Post 已介紹過耶教的傳統用具, 但那祇是其中一部份而已.
"耶神的旨意行在地上如同行在天上", 耶神僕人是完全依據耶教"聖經"而行的.
其中包括了各種大中小型器具, 琳瑯滿目, 以至藥物的使用, 使"與耶神敵對的人"腦部產生混亂&失常.
而較簡單的方法亦有使用, 例如 慢火火燒、浸滾油煲煮 都是既簡單 又有效的方法.
而耶神僕人亦發明了多種大型機械, 用作招待"與耶神敵對的人", 例如大型轉軸巨輪, 將罪人固定在巨輪, 轉動巨輪將骨骼扭斷, 或將巨輪滾動長釘插進"罪人"身等.
利用大自然力量的也有. 最簡單的例如 Squassation, 做法很簡單, 將"罪人"綁手吊起, 在腳上吊上50磅至 500磅重物, "罪人"的關節便負荷不了.
在之前的 Post 中已介紹過耶神僕人如何用 鋸及鐵耙. 而因為在耶教"聖經"章節中, 除了鋸及鐵耙外 亦提及鐵斧.
因此, 在鐵器中 耶神僕人亦喜用鐵斧的.
鐵斧斬下"罪人"的頭, 跌進前方的籃內.
撒 母 耳 記 下 2 Samuel,
"異端邪說罪人"下場 :
( 摘錄一部份方式)
剝皮 : 頭、面至全身.
鉗扯 : 用燒紅的鉗 扯掉 鼻、乳頭、乳房.
燒煮 : 在燒烤器上燒. 或在滾油中煲煮.
切面 : 由口部切到耳朵處.
釘死 : 釘死.
標槍 : 將"罪人"由窗拋到標槍(群)上.
切手 : 切去雙手.
漸燒 : 由腳底部向上慢慢燒.
吊鞭 : 將女人脫光, 以該"罪人"頭髮吊在樹上加以鞭打 或單腳倒吊至死.
壓頭 : 扭動器具壓頭, 直至雙眼突出頭外.
耶教徒每次唸 : "願你(耶神)的旨意行在地上如同行在天上", 就是渴望能重新將"耶神"的國度在地上建立. 能再次使用本文及前文提及的耶教傳統用具, 在地上榮耀"(耶)神", 將不歸順的 敵對的 依"聖經"指引 將他們懲罰.
而其中一樣 用以懲罰 "異端邪說 妖言惑眾"之人 的器械 仍未貼出.
那就是"碎頭器" - Head Crusher.
耶教徒充滿智慧, 此器械的設計很實用. 在扭動上方手柄時, 下面的金屬蓋就會向下壓.
首先將"罪人"的下巴放在金屬蓋下, 然後扭動上方手柄, "罪人"的牙齒會首先碎裂, 牙齒附近的骨亦碎開, 之後頭骨開始碎裂, "罪人"的雙眼會被擠壓跌出來, 繼續壓下..."罪人"的腦漿噴射出來, 一直壓至腦袋溢出.
耶教愛世人. 懲罰"妖言惑眾"之人也未必致命的.
其中一種非致命的懲罰, 名叫 "The Holy Trinity".
當有人褻瀆耶神之名, 就會使用這種東西, 以提醒其他人不要褻瀆耶神之名.
用法是這樣的, 見圖. 先將金屬面罩猛火燒紅, 然後套在"罪人"頭上.
讓面罩慢慢冷卻, 然後打開面罩. 此時, 面罩會連同"罪人"的皮膚及眼球一併扯出.
耶教徒這個設計很有心思, 目的並非致人於死.
這名"罪人"將會繼續生存下去, 以爛面, 失明, 啞巴 的狀態繼續生存下去.