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[原創文章]i need your LOVE...

It is always so simple I could cry,
But I want to smile...
Since I need your LOVE...
I don't know why...

As long as I can't get answers I have been searching...
The better I become at telling lies and excuses,
The more I feel afraid in the emptiness...

If I become stronger, I will forget even your kindness,
So I want to stay weak...
Since I need your LOVE...

If you will smile for me, even just a little,
Then there is still a reason for me to live here...
If you will search for me, even just a little,
Then maybe my living here will be accepted...
Because of you , I find my live edvidence...

People are always solitary beings...
So I need someone...
I want to be supported...
And I want to be supporting...
Nothing is certain, but in my heart I still believe...
My unchange, certain though is right here...

I don't wish for anything else, just that one is enough...
I just want you hold me, kiss me...
I just enjoy the moment of being in LOVE...
I need your LOVE......

[原創文章]i need your LOVE...

我 多 愁 善 感 的 心
只 想 讓 你 猜 透
請 你 看 著 漣 漪
若 漣 漪 中 難 猜
打 斜 看 見 文 明

[原創文章]i need your LOVE...

Thanks for your response! ^_^
Your poem is sooooooo funny~
I get the meaning of your poem...

Actually I hope that I can type chinese someday...
In fact I can express my feeling directly...
However I don't know how to type chinese this time, sorry...
I will try hard to learn it...

If I can type chinese one day, I will tell you at first time... ^.<
And I will share more with everyone here...

I like writing... When I am inspired by something, I will write a poem....
Since I can express my feeling...
And I like sharing......

[原創文章]i need your LOVE...


[原創文章]i need your LOVE...

下面引用由joe1986632005/08/07 01:14am 發表的內容:
If I can type chinese one day, I will teel you at first time...

[原創文章]i need your LOVE...

下面引用由百葉窗2005/08/15 01:13pm 發表的內容:
Thanks for your response again! ^_^
I am sorry that I type a wrong word...
It is ''tell'', not ''teel''... =.=''
Such a careless mistake...

Haha... I am happy to hear that you will type English someday...
Actually it doesn't need to learn...=.=''
Anyway I am very grateful that you appreciate my creations...
Promise: If I learn it one day, I will ''teel'' you at first time ga la~!