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[原創文章]i want to tell you something, but......

I still remember your profile...
When you were about to say something on that day...
I am sorry for not having heard you out...

Where are you walking,
what are you staring at now?
Are you still chasing that dream you once told me about?

I honestly LOVE you...
But I didn't have a little more courage...

And I hid my tears...
Though I knew we would never be as we were...
I parted from you waving my hand and saying "See you again"...
I parted from you as usual...

It is easier than we think to let go of each other's hand...
But it is difficult to join hands again, isn't it?

Actually I can't smile without you...
I could not say just one word...
Sometimes words are completely powerless...

The wind is cold...
I am in tears now...
Now I know it is not me alone who feel the coldness...
But it seems to be too late...

What is getting little by little farther by the distance?
Do I forget little by little as time passes by?
But... It is over......

It was a treasure, wasn't it?
I wished to protect it more than anything else...

Good-bye, you never fade in my memory...
I didn't even say good-bye to you clearly...
But... It is over......

But... I still remember your promise....
I remember every day.......
[認真討論]Your Dream