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如果愛情是種迷惑 那友情就會變的更清醒
堅強不讓眼淚留下 或許擁抱是我們的記號
尋找那不知的符號 你離開之後是我在微笑
我根本沒想過要逃 是時間讓我們通通拋掉
或許沒有任何東西尋找 那甜美愛情的句號
一路在找 也找不到 那休止符號
也許我們都在尋找 那過去有人在逃
一路找到 不再放掉 只剩下各自單向軌道
              by 小a


Thanks for your great sharing...
I also write a peom to response you...
It is hard to find our true LOVE...

When we look back on the road, which we feel both long & hard...
The footprints we left behind are distorted and muddy...
But we don't regret them at all...

If I could use lots of colors and draw my feelings,
I would pick up a brush and paint a picture...

If I could line up lots of words and choose my feelings,
I would pick up a pen and write a letter...

But I can't do that, so I decided to sing this song....
I can't do anything else...
I turn they key and send it to you...

In your days of tears...
I embraced one strength and promised to be by your side...
So you don't need to cry, even though I can't explain it very well...

In your days of smiles...
I want to embrace and praise two kindnesses, that we thought of each other...
From now until forever......