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繼神不回應別人問題後又一神的錯. 衪應造一些通行証或印記來証明誰能上天堂.
即是信了後會多一張証証明我合格上天堂. 但事實是沒有. 什麼証明也沒有. 只是那些教徒認為自己可以上天堂. 所以這麼多的 "假教徒" 行罪的教徒 在我們的社區.
既然冇上天堂通行証, 人不能信正確的神了. 又不能証誰是真的宗教. 可能全部也不是
[信耶穌,得永生] ?? 那一個耶穌?? 除聖經外有上萬文章也有提到耶穌?? 那幾章才是真的?? 要知道信多了少許信少了少許也是異端.


for the people like both of you as well as me, we know about the bible and lord, we will be justice by whether we have believe in the TRUE god, others like pass 500 years and below, all the people didnt know about the bible, never listen or know who is god or jesus, they will be justice by their actitude