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3、半夜兩點不可以照鏡子,否則會看到自己以外的人。(I try before and really see someone behind me ----- my mum)
5、據說要是一對情侶分別站在樹的左右兩邊探出臉來照相的話,將來一定會分手;即使結了婚也會離婚 。
6、據說要是在房間的四面牆壁都貼滿海報的話,就比較容易被鬼壓床。這是因為幽靈無髮從房間出去的緣故。(Who will do this??)
7、睡前看著房間的四個角落之後再睡,就會被鬼壓床無髮動彈。(Sometime I will do this but nothing happen!!??)
9、看到靈車或喪禮要把自己的姆指藏起來,否則父母會死得很悲慘,也有人說如果不暫時停止呼吸也不好。(倒是曾有個人騎腳踏車的時候看到靈車,結果為了把姆指藏起來而把雙手放開,結果連人帶車摔倒了= =||)。
11、很多人在說話卻忽然靜下來的時候,聽說是天上有天使經過,可是,也有人說是惡魔經過。(I haven't face this situation before, how about you)
12、據說,長頭髮的人比較容易看到幽靈。(I also long hair but I haven't see once in my life)
13、晚上背對著牆壁唸書的話,會有一個老婆婆從牆壁中跑出來,拍唸書的人背膀二次。這次絕不能回頭,不然頭會被她砍掉。(When I was study my back always facing to wall but nothing happened)
16、如果指甲上出現白色斑點?就會有人贈送你想要的禮物。(I always have but no one give my gifts ma.)
18、過上九點一直盯著天花板看時,窗戶會傳來「咚!咚」的聲音,這時如果不問:「請問是哪位?」的話,過幾天就會死。(Who will look at celling for a long time in the morning?)

Have you heard these before? Do you believe them?  For me I think this is just like some jokes. ^.^
(Sorry my computer can't type chinese.)
2014年11月6日英國《每日郵報》報導,英國有對吸血鬼夫婦:53歲的瓦尼安 ( Vanian ) 和27歲的伊瑟琳 ( Ethereal Dark )。他們聲...
猛鬼酒吧 鬼推酒杯落地
英國格洛斯特( Gloucester)一間猛鬼酒吧,不時傳出匪夷所思的怪事,最近該酒吧發生「鬼推酒杯落地」事件,過程被閉路電視拍下(圖),連專門研究靈異事件的人...
夜探深井蓬萊別墅 被滿天石頭落下擊傷
【本報訊】殉職警員梁成恩遺失五載的配槍於尖沙嘴槍戰中重現,沒想到該支編號 HKP7215的史密夫威遜 M-10木柄左輪警槍,竟成為奪去四條性命的「鬼槍」。有玄學...
[認真討論] 中國妖怪?!髭蟾是也!


我試過1 , 3 , 7 ,13 , 14 ,
18 , 可是......我什麼事也沒發生過....




  2.唔敢試- . -
15.如果隻貓係自己前面同一個方向行緊  咁咪要係咁打退後行囉


Thanks for your interesting sharing! ^_^
I agree with you that these legends are similar to some jokes...
In fact some legendss are incredible & imposible...
I wonder that nobody can believe them all...
Actually I have tried some of them before...

1) Actually I usually cut my nails since it is a normal habbit...
    Whatever I tried it and nothing happened...
2) This event is really terrible... And I didn't try it before...
     Actually I have heard that we will get bad luck if we break a mirror...
3) It is so absurd... If the mirror can't reflect anything, why do we use it?
    And I usually have a look in my mirror everyy night...
4) I didn't notice it... Even so I get a lucky number, I still can't pass my HKCEEE... ^.^
     Actually it may be useful for the current students...
5) I have heard it before... And I wonder that it is imposible...
    In fact nothing can prevent us if we really LOVE someone with our true heart...
6) I agree with this point... In fact I used to come across this situation...
    There are many posters in my room...
7) I haven't tried it before...
    However I used to hear that the four corners are related to the ghost...
8)I don't believe with it... How can a person die suddenly when he take his bath?
9) Actually I haven't tried it before...
    But I agree with this point since we should respect the dead when we come to the funeral...
10) Actually I have tried it before... And I will be lucky if it happens...
      Whatever I won in a draw after it had happened... Was it a concidence?
11) I have also tried it before... Actually I felt comfortable with the moment of solitude...
      And I felt something passed... It was like a wind...
12) I don't believe with it... In fact I also kept a long hair before but actually I didn't see ghost...
13) It is so absurd! How can a old lady go through a wall?
      I used to study my homework and I was back to wall... I am still alive now... ^.^
14) It seems that I will never see gost again... In fact I have seen ghost when I was 17 years old...
15) Actually I have heard it before... Whatever I was injured in an accident after I had seen it...
      This is a legend that we will get bad luck if we have seen black cat before...
16) Really? So I may draw some white dots on my nails...
      Maybe I will recieve a gift oneday...
17) I don't believe with it... My mum usually does it but nothing happens...
18) It is so absurd... In fact nobody feel interested with his celling...
      I believe that nobody try it before...

Actually there are many legends in our world...
Some of them are so mysterious, they usually relate to death...
Some of them are so funny, they are similar to some jokes...
I just believe them in a half...