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戲中主角Prot 更在眾著名科學家面前畫出他的原居地K-PAX的星球。
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下面引用由kenfrisbee2005/06/14 02:39am 發表的內容:
戲中主角Prot 更在眾著名科學家面前畫出他的原居地K-PAX的星球。


下面引用由kenfrisbee2005/06/14 02:39am 發表的內容:
戲中主角Prot 更在眾著名科學家面前畫出他的原居地K-PAX的星球。
美麗有罪個主角 , 好似仲係由佢執導添。一早睇過啦 , 搞到科學家都R頭 , 不過埋尾都係....??? 多多...哩個世界自稱係..又或前世係外星人o既人大有人在。我唔係咁信佢講o既o野....sorry ~ 事關哩齣電影主旨並非為解答什麼什麼....勿太認真。
本人亦深信有外星人存在 , 仲同我地好近添 ! ....就算俾人笑 , 我都係咁話。你睇我下面幅圖就知我信喇。呵呵 ~ XD~


未睇過喔... 好有興趣想睇.... 我都信有外星人....而且信到十足十的...


下面引用由onolisa2005/06/14 04:30pm 發表的內容:
未睇過喔... 好有興趣想睇.... 我都信有外星人....而且信到十足十的...
美國調查統計所得....{信有外星人...70%.半信半疑....20% }


Alien Virgin: 應該在數年之前。該電影非陳年舊片,絕對是一齣不錯的電影。至於明珠台有否播映,小弟不知道。
CHUNG1219: 正正因為此電影非要解答什麼,反而提出了一連串的疑問,這就是電影的吸引地方。因為我的課堂中看過這套電影,而且要寫一篇essay來說自己是否相信有生物比人類更高級,從而引發小弟不少聯想。
onolisa: 哈哈∼我也是,只不過我不知道他們在哪裡而已,知道他們存在就好了,不用想得太過火。有機會閣下一定要看一看這電影。
CHUNG1219: 讓我分開來回覆吧,雖然我不知道別人怎麼想,但這個問題沒太大用途,既然你信我信那就可以了,外星人的存在在這一刻我們不能確定,不能爭議,就像神的存在,信,就可以了。只要有自己的觀點立場就可以,就算最後錯了也沒有關係。對嗎?


那麼大家應該看過來自M87星雲的外星人﹙鹹蛋超人﹚,而在 M87 星系的核心內便有一個質量為 3x109 個太陽質量,但直徑只有數光星期之內的物體,只有黑洞才可能這麼重而同時又這麼細小。
kenfrisbee 可以post你的essay上來麼?




下面引用由kenfrisbee2005/06/15 07:00pm 發表的內容: 哈哈哈哈∼鹹蛋超人,有趣。 小弟essay文法錯誤太多,而且亦寫得一般, 恐難登大雅之堂。 未知小弟的一篇文章有何作用?
因<>在香港的宣傳不多,因此沒有緣觀看此電影,所以想從閣下的文章中了解該片的精神病與外星人的分析... 不過在網上搜尋對該片的評價:劇本中關於Prot是外星人或是瘋癲的證據並不平衡,而較傾向於他是外星人。 所以個人認為此片有偏低人格分裂者的智慧,但情節帶來的意義確實比尋找真相更為重要,若本人是導演也會依這個方向去拍攝!


下面引用由taoming2005/06/16 02:58am 發表的內容: 因<>在香港的宣傳不多,因此沒有緣觀看此電影,所以想從閣下的文章中了解該片的精神病與外星人的分析... 不過在網上搜尋對該片的評價:劇本中關於Prot是外星人或是瘋癲的證據並不平衡,而較...
其實此片有兩種標準。如果將角度放在〔一個精神病人無法做出主角做的事〕,在某程度上是低估精神病人的智慧,但如果反之將角度放在〔精神病人的確做出了這種奇事〕就會反而高估了精神病人的能力。此為其中第一種角度。第二種角度就是,戲中主角跟一群精神病人有良好溝通而且看起來只有主角才明白他們,而在戲中各精神病人行為大致正常,例如沒有突然拿起刀子要殺人或者整天在亂叫的可怖景象。所以從第二角度看,其實此片有可能是將精神病人的瘋狂程度降低讓人嘗試理解或者關心精神病人多一點。 另外,我也決定把小弟的essay放上來,但在文中多次使用電影的劇情作証明,所以如有不明白地方可以直接問我。若有機會可看看這電影,值得人反思之餘,就算當做一部有感情的普通電影看也絕對無壞處。                    K-PAX   In K-PAX, Prot appears suddenly in New York and becomes the main character who leads the storyline in the movie. Prot declares himself a life form from the planet K-PAX, which is not discovered yet by humans. Furthermore, it is not worth a discussion if Prot really comes from K-PAX, because human is unable to neither prove it nor deny it. It is reasonable to believe the existence of life forms superior to humans, because obviously nobody can expect what Prot will do in the movie. The lifestyle in K-PAX, the amazing things Prot does and the relationship between Prot and the patients are three specific proofs that Prot really comes from K-PAX.   The first thing Prot reveals about K-PAX is the sunlight, and that is the reason of why he wears sunglasses. Needless to say, Prot uses the evidence of two suns to explain how K-PAX is different from the Earth because K-PAX has two suns, K-MON and K-RIL. The scientist Dr.Chakraborty states that Prot can see ultra-violet light, in the astounding range of 300 to 400 Angstroms. Furthermore, the pain of reproductive process in K-PAX is really painful, therefore they have to be careful of it. Prot says that they do not have family in K-PAX and they are actually raised by everyone. The most important thing Prot explains is that K-PAX has no law and lawyers. Prot tells Dr. Powell that human never pay attention to what Buddha and Christ teach people, and Prot says every being in the universe knows right from wrong. The special lifestyle on K-PAX and the differences are convincing and it is unfair to say that Prot is only a mental ill patient because most of what he says is correct.   Prot does so many amazing and weird things and the audiences are really surprised of every single thing he does. First of all, Prot appears suddenly from the light and the homeless person sees it. Prot is rational and under control most of the time and he says clearly that he is brought to the Psychiatric Institute of Manhattan. Secondly, Prot explains the theory of Einstein to Dr. Powell and correct the mistakes Dr. Powell makes. Needless to say, the most impressive scene in the movie is how Prot draws the position of K-PAX and it is really surprising to the experts of astronomy. When Dr. Powell invites Prot to his home, Prot communicates with the dog and tells the truth about what the girls do onto the dog. At the end, it is also reasonable that Prot leaves his sunglasses when he goes back to the K-PAX because he says that he does not need them on K-PAX. As a result, it is ridiculous to say that a mental ill person can act in that normal way and do such amazing and weird things. Prot is like doing miracles for the standard of human, but it is common sense for a person living on K-PAX.   The story is happening around the building of psychiatric institute and many patients are living with their own mental problems but most of them believe in Prot and want to follow Prot of getting back to K-PAX. Prot tries to communicate with all the patients he sees and he teaches them how to be cured. The first thing Prot does to help them is he gives three tasks to Howie, and actually Prot is leading Howie to walk on the right path. Prot tells everyone when he is leaving and they have a farewell party on that night before. All the patients are happy but worried because Prot promises that he will bring one person only with him when he is going back to K-PAX. Eventually, Bess disappears when Prot goes back to K-PAX and apparently he chooses Bess, and the patients see the reason on the sheet Bess writes. Bess writes that she has no home and this should be the reason why Prot brings her back.   The special lifestyle in K-PAX, the amazing things Prot expresses and the events happening between the patients and Prot are important proofs to know that Prot is a K-PAXian. Dr. Powell goes to find the history about Prot and actually the information he finds is about the body of human that Prot uses, but not the history of Prot. Unfortunately, human cannot understand how Prot comes to the Earth and leaves but audiences should learn what Prot does and how he lives on K-PAX. People should remember the last task Prot gives Howie, which is staying here and be prepared of everything.