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[謝絕灌水]why you like to write?

this question is for someone like 雷.仲恩,紫千雪,JammyLee, who like writting stories, poem, essay or somehting like that.
of cause,anyone's answers for this question are welcome!
Why do you wrote and why do u like it?

my answer: I love reading since I was really small, I want to play with words like the authur of the others books,although I am not good at it.
and of cause, I wrote because I want to find someone to understand it, to feel the same feelings as me and to love it.
and one last thing is that, in the story or essay I wrote,I am the GOD! I can control everything!

how about your answer?

[謝絕灌水]why you like to write?


[謝絕灌水]why you like to write?

 寫文章的原因 , 無他 , 只為留下一點記憶 ......
 生 , 是種無奈 , 死亦不由自己掌權 , 這是人的悲哀。但是 , 幻想界裡邊 , 可以讓每個都快快樂樂的活著 ( 雖然鄙人的幻想界沒有快樂 , 只有悲哀 [ 笑 ] )。
 不知何時起 , 記憶 , 一點點的消退。越是記掛 , 卻越是想不起。腦海 , 留著一片空白。在還有記憶之前 , 把牽掛的寫下。到失去回憶之後 , 還可再次憶起。
 然而 , 喜歡寫文章 , 真心去生一篇文章的人都會怕 ...... 有一點 , 不單記憶消失 , 字亦會朦朧不清。那個時候 , 就真的什麼都沒有了。
 沒用的大腦 , 記不住應該去記載的事。那只好 , 以手寫心 , 寫下一點一滴的事、情。
 又因為不太喜歡去掌控別人的命運 , 故 , 很少去寫一些長篇的小說。惟有兩篇 ......

[謝絕灌水]why you like to write?

下面引用由--Zeta--2004/12/15 04:11pm 發表的內容:
this question is for someone like 雷.仲恩,紫千雪,JammyLee, who like writting stories, poem, essay or somehting like that.
of cause,anyone's answers for this question are welcome!
Why do you wrot...
某情度上是一種情感上的發泄吧... 又或是一種虛擬實驗。
p.s. 現在墮進了考試的無間地獄﹐弄得差不多兩個星期沒和Davis打交道。

[謝絕灌水]why you like to write?

下面引用由JammyLee2004/12/15 08:39pm 發表的內容:
I am sorry about that.....
I thought that u love writting too.
but thx for answering.

sometimes I will have the same feelings too,the plot, the characters are simliar to the life arround me,
but in the story I can control everything,unlike in the reality...
P.S. Good luck for your exam!

[謝絕灌水]why you like to write?

下面引用由紫千雪2004/12/15 06:50pm 發表的內容:
 然而 , 喜歡寫文章 , 真心去生一篇文章的人都會怕 ...... 有一點 , 不單記憶消失 , 字亦會朦朧不清。那個時候 , 就真的什麼都沒有了。
writting for memory...............
it is kind of like writting history........but it is your personal history.......
there is no rules for it.......
I think that is one kind of freedom too.....
but both of us know that nothing can last forever in this world........
sometimes, I will try to remember the picture, the character , the sound.....everything in my head together with the test I wrote on my diary.........
at least within ten years, I can still remember a little bit about it.

[謝絕灌水]why you like to write?

 曾經 , 鄙人都想過 , 能一輩子去記著。只不過 , 經過了這麼多事 , 經歷了這麼多歲月 , 要去記著 , 絕非易事 ......
 特別是一些值得去回味 , 值得去記掛的片段 , 總會在不知不覺間失去 , 再也無法去追。
 片段 , 舊了會泛黃 ; 聲音 , 會逐漸失去 ; 特徵 , 都可以消除。在變是惟一不變的永恆之下。根本沒有能永遠留下的回憶。
 在鄙人而言 , 日記 , 是一種單純的記事 , 未必是由心而發。可能是惰性 , 又可能是感覺 , 鄙人只會隨意而行。想到 , 就寫。從不定下標題 , 直到篇章完成之後。從不畫下框架 , 直到完成過後才加以評定 ......
[glow=700,blue,4] 「 不要被標題限定 , 不要被種類鎖死。以最真切的手 , 寫最真實的心。」[/glow]
 雖然這句話是鄙人常說的 , 只可惜 , 鄙人很久沒有用最真切的手去寫最真實的心。久違得 ...... 快忘掉了。