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時事政治   42 票數 10.5%
文學修養   35 票數 8.8%
武學(係真功夫,而不是好勇鬥狠)   27 票數 6.8%


我揀左右...家居維修 ...  冇揀電腦潻....  一時手快...  仲揀左其他....
揀其他... 係因為我鍾意男朋友識音樂... 玩 band果"d".....
咩唔識都唔緊要..... 最緊要係 有才華.....


冇話男人只可識3 樣野GE~


Thanks for your sharing! ^_^
Actually different people have different hobbies...
It is hard to define it...

In my opinion,
A man should be strong, in order to protect his girlfriend...
A man should be sensible, in order to haddle anything...
A man should be mature, in order to attach the girls...
And more...

時事政治  I think it is difficult for me, but it is neccessary to know it...
車 It is quite important... I am interested with it, especially some games...   
電腦 It is hard for me, I usually make my computer went wrong... =.=''
電器,水電 It is really important, as a man you should know how to repair the machines in your home...  
音晌,視聽  I like to listen to music and watch movie...
波(足球,藍球) I don't feel interested with it...  
賭馬,賭博 I don't like it since it is not a good hobby...   
財經,股市 It is so difficult for me... =.='' Don't ask me about it... I hate it...   
家居維修  I usually repair some machines at my home and I enjoy it...
天文地理 It is quite boring... I think I am wareless of it... =.=''   
文學修養 It is very important... I don't want to be a wild man... =.=''  
歷史人文 I am very interested with it, especially the other countries' culture...  
武學(係真功夫,而不是好勇鬥狠) I am very interested with it, my uncle is good at it... And he usually teaches me about it...   

How to be a man?
It is so easy...
But... How to be a genltleman?
It is so hard......