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[認真討論] Who have praticed or learning magick ,please come!

I want to ask some question as I am learning.
I want to ask how to feel the"1.想像自己的形體無限大,地球無限小,放鬆全身 , 調整呼吸••••接著 , 想像頭上有一個閃閃發光的光球
2.想像光球放出光亮將你全身包圍 , 如果成功 , 請用魔術劍頂端輕輕觸碰額頭(一般初學以手刀代替 , 即:猜拳時的剪刀 , 食指和中指緊合) "

How to feel it? As I am the beginner. I want to know more in my progress! Please help me!
And I want to ask: How to know your magick level? (Your ability in magick)
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[認真討論] Who have praticed or learning magick ,please come!

下面引用由Calamity2005/04/09 09:25pm 發表的內容:
I want to ask some question as I am learning.
I want to ask how to feel the"1.想像自己的形體無限大,地球無限小,放鬆全身 , 調整呼吸••••接著 , 想像頭上有一個閃閃發光的光...
小弟認為, 魔法不用理多高. 你只要做你所為的事就好了.
放心, 你可以在net 上買一些這樣的書看.

[認真討論] Who have praticed or learning magick ,please come!

I have the book but it  is difficult to understand.Not the grammer, is the idea of book to learn. The book name is `Modern Magick`. What is meditation? I don`t know! I just know I should pratise your skill, your mind and your body, it is my course.

[認真討論] Who have praticed or learning magick ,please come!

下面引用由Calamity2005/04/10 08:11am 發表的內容:
I have the book but it  is difficult to understand.Not the grammer, is the idea of book to learn. The book name is `Modern Magick`. What is meditation? I don`t know! I just know I should pratise y ...
Sorry to tell you this, before you can use magick , you must be it. When you cast a spell , you are it. It come from your inner self. If you don't even know how to meditate, please don't cast a spell , or you must get hurt or others might get hurt. The use of meditating is to let you rest your mind, and when you cast a spell , meditation can be a great help, with the success of meditating , you can control yourself not to think of others things.
When you are casting a spell, you are it, if you think of others thing(s), you are put it into your spell and if you think of killing something or hurt or others, it will became it.
In fact don't call it magick. Magick is a name for all the group of spell, try to find out that type of spell name.

You are good , you understand that , a english letter call "a" had lots of meaning. You get it!
I felt happy, because someone in hong kong still understand this meaning.

You brought the book online or in the bookshop?
In fact my friend could buy this kind of book for me , i just remember this a few weeks ago. So i maybe busy, and remember this by hard if you want to success.
Reading is a life learning, magick is your life. What you cast with magick you are it, always help and always learn. Even you knew it , you still had to learn. To be a witches , don't use be it with a name, act like it , and so be it. Always mind of the words you said , always be kind and thats will be great.
What the world said it might not be true, the only answer you are looking for is only found by you.
This is just a way of my mind set . Just try to remember it. Bless you.
Remember it and try to look for books and see if i was right. Even what i said to you make sense, it might not be true.

Read! I will support you!
Be Blessed,

[認真討論] Who have praticed or learning magick ,please come!

magick 是分能力的高低, 無分等級~
因為magick 是好personal的~
每人對他的看法也不同, 每人所行的道路也不同~
"Be the best you can be"
公共圖書館有少許書籍, 可惜大部份都是參考書, 不能外借~
而香港其實是有些店舖有賣關於magick, tarot, meditation等的書籍及用具的~

[認真討論] Who have praticed or learning magick ,please come!


[認真討論] Who have praticed or learning magick ,please come!

上商務印書局網站, english books > magick studies 入面都夠睇死你, 價錢也很便宜, 在new age 找也可以,買兩本concept 書看看自己是一時之快先

[認真討論] Who have praticed or learning magick ,please come!

If you wouldn't like to put you on damage, please be sure what you do and find really expert people to teach you.  

[認真討論] Who have praticed or learning magick ,please come!


[認真討論] Who have praticed or learning magick ,please come!

下面引用由vivifying2005/09/16 03:05pm 發表的內容: