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[請求協助] The 14 year old boy who experienced world war 2

Though heard, yet not understood. Early on, a few years ago, there was a boy who was so afraid of loud noises, like a gunfire, a loud bang. His mother took him to a psychiatrist, under deep hypnotising, he retold a story of an unknown soldier during world war two, as he was running through a battlefield, his best friend died under the heavy fire from the opposing force, flame, explosion, gore, and men falling down in slow-motion, the bombs and mines plus all the explosion caused his very own death. There was no scientific knowledge to this odd-ball. I personally would like to learn more about this, if you have any information or knowledge to this event, please forward.

[請求協助] The 14 year old boy who experienced world war 2

In fact, I do not believe that kind of story such as previous existence.At least this topic has to keep some evidence like sources of information.

[請求協助] The 14 year old boy who experienced world war 2


[請求協助] The 14 year old boy who experienced world war 2

我都有聽過呢段傳聞, 亦都o係網上邊睇過, 係一份外國報紙o既報導, 而且細路所講o既人同事都可以prove返出尼喎∼除非係個細路o既父母教細路講尼呃人架姐∼不過佢地呃完人除左知名度大增之外又好似無咩得著喎∼