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there are some researches about those STONEs
I heard that all the stone man on the island face on the same direction...they seems seeing some kind of things from one direction..the direction may be some hints of the place where the aliens live...
the other one same as toty said...using for praying...
however...the agruement always concentrates on how the ppl make and transport those big stones..there are always no ans. about this (same as egypt) ..so the ppl just state that it is the things done by Aliens...I do think it is harsh for the people transport lot of stones ...but it still possible since china can have great wall...nothing is impossible.... anyway..I concern mostly is the pattern of the stone man...their pattern is regular and meaningful seems......I think it want to show some msg to person some wisdom...maybe really the things I mention (Aliens home) or the accurate Astrology ...
