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我的媽媽及婆婆是很相信鬼神之說,所以若遇到不順利的事情也會求神問卜,從小我就抱着懷疑的態度跟媽媽去問米,很多時問米的阿姑都是靠推估;但有一次的經歷令我不得不相信問米的存在真確性。事情是這樣的,媽媽因思念過世很久的外公所以去問米詢問他的現況,問米的阿姑把媽媽買的四個蘋果放在神枱上然後將燃點好的香放入香爐,跟着她便坐在神枱前面用:客家話:唱着一些所為請神上身的歌曲,大概過了一分鍾阿姑便咳嗽敉聲双腳不停震動双眼一直緊閉,她提高聲調問{是誰找"他" ?} 媽媽便返問"他"知不知道我們是他什麽親人?" 他"便說係女兒及孫女;這時我心內便想阿姑與我們一家相熟知道我們和先人的関係也不出奇!媽媽跟着又問"他"知道自己幾多歲嗎?"他"又說自己死了很久巳经忘記自己幾多歲;一直坐在一旁聆聽的我突然被"他"的一句說話嚇了一跳,"他"對我說{不要再跟媽媽吵架喇不要離家出走!}媽媽便立即問我是否想離家出走?我亦呆着點頭、因為離家出走的事也是一時之氣自己所想我並沒有告訴過任何人我有這想法,經歷了這次的遭遇令我對鬼神之說也有所改變相信真有另一空間存在!
【本報訊】殉職警員梁成恩遺失五載的配槍於尖沙嘴槍戰中重現,沒想到該支編號 HKP7215的史密夫威遜 M-10木柄左輪警槍,竟成為奪去四條性命的「鬼槍」。有玄學...
漢代墓陪葬物 動物獠牙辟邪
白沙村兇殺案 疑兇妻被指「紅顏禍水」


Thanks for your sharing! 8)
I agree with you... And I used to come accross the same situation...
Actually another space may exist and the ghosts may belong to there...

Whatever I was same as you, I don't believe with ''問米''...
Last 2 years, my grandfa passed away...
My uncle suggested to use this way to comunicate with my grandfa...
Out of my curious, I also went to this strange ceremony with my uncle...
I felt scared when I saw the 問米婆...
In fact her face was ugly & silent...
And I just wanted to see what will happen...
After my uncle had told what he wanted, she started to do the ceremony...

Actually it was quite strange that she became anther person when she drank a cup og water...
And her voice was similar to my grandfa's voice too...
When my uncle tried to ask her name, she really said my grandfa's name...
And she also told us something about my grandfa, for instance, he used to be injured in an accident...
Or he used to lose his gold watch...
She really replied us accurately...
And I was very surprised when I saw this strange situation...
I didn't understand why she could know too many things about my grandfa...

After this strange experience, I really believe with ''問米''...
And there may be ghost in our world...
Because the result is really precise..
However we should be careful that there are many liars too...
Out of the people's ignorance, it is easy to be cheated by them...
Thus even so what happen, we should keep calm...
And we shouldn't be superstitious too...
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