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當新聞以斗大的標題 報導出印尼的事時
我當場就笑出來了 不是竊笑喔 是大笑
我馬上就回說 同情心是給值得給的人 不是給那群連"動物保護法"都沒資格用的人
雖然說不是所有的印尼人都參與暴動 但那些沒參與的人 沒阻止那些暴動東西(擬物)
就等於是默許他們的行為 所以我覺得他們是死好
我不是心胸寬大的聖人 我只是個平凡的小人物 沒辦法看到這種暴動發生在自己華人身上而不生氣 所以 救援的事就交給那些心胸寬大的聖人 或 只想得到名聲的偽善者吧








1. Well, I read most of you guys' posts. You guys grow up please!You hate all of the Indonesians just because of those riots? C'mon. See? That's the reason why people like to take advantage on us (Chinese). We just the way too naive. We can't hate all of Indonesians just because of those riots and without knowing that there are still some Indonesians are friendly. You guys need to be reasonable, or there will be similar thing happens again.
2. Those Chinese in other countries just too submissive or always trippin like a lil biatch or lock themselves like an autism or what, so they always keep gettin beat up. Those Chinese live in other countries really should learn Hispanic Americans. There are some problems about Hispanic Americans, but they won't have so much troubles like us. Nobody really take advantage on them even they're poor. On the other hand, the Chinese Indonesians controlled the economic of Indonesia. Sounds rich huh? but see what happened to them. Sometimes money, education, good citizenship are nothing. There is something more important than them. However, we are the minority in both Indonesia and the US. A minority should be like minority, or we'll be like the Jewish people during WWII. I think they don't know how to be a minority group, too.  
Don't make people think we're the "chinks".
P.S: I don't hate Chinese (why I should hate my own esthinic). I just think that we Chinese people really should understand something. See those stupid, proud-as-hell Americans? I just don't want Chinese people be like that.


SORRY!我雖然係中國人我都希望我可以心平氣和,以德報怨,但我真的末有這麼偉大,如果這些   都是事實的全部,    我會向這一班禽獸咀咒,要他們來生之年飽受火燒 ,不冶之怪病,饑荒生生世世直至永遠!以超渡這一班華僑!災民當然我覺得很同情,但基本上是兩件事,我覺得應該分開。


下面引用由jameslee2005/08/05 03:17pm 發表的內容:
1. Well, I read most of you guys' posts. You guys grow up please!You hate all of the Indonesians just because of those riots? C'mon. See? That's the reason why people like to take advantage on us (Chinese). We just the way too naive. We can't hate all of Indonesians just because of those riots and without knowing that there are still some Indonesians are friendly. You guys need to be reasonable, or there will be similar thing happens again.
2. Those Chinese in other countries just too submissive or always trippin like a lil biatch or lock themselves like an autism or what, so they always keep gettin beat up. Those Chinese live in other countries really should learn Hispanic Americans. There are some problems about Hispanic Americans, but they won't have so much troubles like us. Nobody really take advantage on them even they're poor. On the other hand, the Chinese Indonesians controlled the economic of Indonesia. Sounds rich huh? but see what happened to them. Sometimes money, education, good citizenship are nothing. There is something more important than them. However, we are the minority in both Indonesia and the US. A minority should be like minority, or we'll be like the Jewish people during WWII. I think they don't know how to be a minority group, too.  
Don't make people think we're the "chinks".
P.S: I don't hate Chinese (why I should hate my own esthinic). I just think that we Chinese people really should understand something. See those stupid, proud-as-hell Americans? I just don't want Chinese people be like that.
Hey, Dude!
I read your post. i can't find any post that are more "reasonable" than your's
1.  You think that we hate the indonesians ONLY because the riot???, C'mon, you gotta read our post carefully before you reply us. WE hate those guy is BECAUSE THEY USE THE INHUMAN WAY TO TRAET CHINESE, take a look of the record of the riot, i don't found there are any difference between the riot and Nanjing Massacre, except the number of death.
2.  I don't get your point, but what i think you put the reason why there is a riot is simply because the chinese in indonesia was rich, wealth, smarter. that's the reason why the FXXking indonesian can kill so many chinese, You think it's reasonab;e and logical? WTF!!! BULL SHIT!!!
The indonesian use the inhuman way(rape, kill, kill after rape, even children & pregnant woman) to treat chiness  is only because they are not human, even animal !  if i follow your logic, the japanese invade China will be so reasonable also, because we have so many resources(oil, land) they don't have. What do we should do? keep in low profile? do not start developmet? just don't show the resouces in front of the forigners?
PS. i really hope you are not  chinese, i can't believe a "chinese" can  said these cruel, rudely thing even so many people dead!  what i hope is all the overseas chinese should stick together, that's thge only way to stop this things happen again.   






Well, tonyboy. Did I say that it's right to let Indonesians rape Chinese? What I said is just to be reasonable. You can't hate ALL the Indonesians. The tsunami not only killed those riots who killed Chinese. It killed a lot of innocents, even Chinese Indonesians, too. I just don't like to hear that tsunami is the punishment because I don't think those innocent Indonesians who didn't killed Chinese should die either, and it's a kinda childish, too. It's logical and resonable to kill Chinese Indonesians, where the hell did you get this?
On the other hand, did I say just let Chinese keep in low profile? I said that "There are some problems about Hispanic Americans, but they won't have so much troubles like us. Nobody really take advantage on them even they're poor". I just want to say why there fewer people take advantage on them? They're poor, but why there won't be a riot against them but us? Do we need something beside money, good education and good citizenship? I think what oversea Chinese really need is to stay together, but also need to know how to deal with the local residents, or same thing will happen again. What we need to do is prevent these kind of massacre from happening again, not crying like you.