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古怪的感覺和反應= =|||[討論]

但係現在就連拖著小學2年級的表妹行街都會有呢種感覺哦= =|||
不過拖住跟表妹差不多年齡的堂妹行街又唔會有呢d感覺架boo= =|||

古怪的感覺和反應= =|||[討論]

Thanks for your great sharing! ^_^
This question is quite interesting...
Actually some people have a special feeling to the opposite SEX...
So I think your response is normal...
Surely it is not an illness...

Out of our curiosity, we will have a special feeling to the opposite SEX...
And it is quite embarrassing when we come across this situation...
Sometimes we may not haddle this situation...

Whatever I heard that my friend was afraid to see a girl...
Actually I felt strange with him at that moment...
Since I don't get the same feeling...
Finally he told me he liked that girl and he was shy to express his feeling...

Thus I understand your feeling now...
Actually you don't know how to find a suitable way to get along with the opposite SEX...
So you will feel choatic & nervouswhen you come across the same situation...
And you will pass out too...

I suggest you should try to find your own way to get along with the other girls...
You may try to treat them as your sisters...
And try to find a suitable topic for them...
Or you may try to comprehend them more...
Such like their hobby, habit or favourite activity...

Actually we can become a good friend with the other girls...
I believe that you will get better...
And you will meet a lot of friends too...

We began to shine...
If it is us we will grasp tomorrow sometime, right?
We began to flap...
If it's them then they will find a shining tomorrow, right?
We should cherish our youth and try to do more meaningful things...

Wish you live happily everyday! 8)

古怪的感覺和反應= =|||[討論]


古怪的感覺和反應= =|||[討論]

古怪的感覺和反應= =|||[討論]

