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其實只是做戲;  基本上人是無可能做到的, 因為唔係一下過, 而係慢慢据; 開始幾下我想信都据到, 但之後產生的痛楚不單令你意志消失, 更會令人手軟腳軟; 如果有人試過骨折就明白是好痛好痛, 而且仲要自己慢慢据骨, 根本沒可能; 當戲睇完算吧


***** 板主模式 ***** 該文章是管理員從無牌社工轉移過來的!


Thanks for your sharing! ^_^
If I were the doctor, I will sacrifice myself to protect my wife & daughter...
Although it is extemelly painful to cut my leg, I am brave enough to do it...
In fact, they are my wife & daughter, I can't think too much at that dangerous moment...
I LOVE them, so I am willing to sacrifice myself...
So I believe that I can do it...

Actually there is always hope in our world...
If we try, there may be a hope for us...
Because of LOVE, sometimes we can overcome all the challenges...
Because of LOVE, a miracle happens suddenly...
Because of LOVE, we can do some imposible things...

I believe nothing is imposible...
Actually many miracles happened in our world...
Whatever a miracle happened on a mother in Taiwan...
The mother raised a lorry to help her daughter...
Because of LOVE, she can do it...
Miracle usually happened in a dangerous moment...

According to the film, it seems that the doctor LOVEs his wife & daughter so much...
Thus he is brave enough to sacrifice himself to help them...
Although it is only a film, I believe it may happen in our world too...
In fact there is always miracle for us...




無論愛有幾偉大, 所產生的力量只能夠在瞬間產生, 無可能維持到据斷腳這麼長的時間